See Ya at Siino’s: A Tribute
In this 5:08 min. video, reporter Jackson Lindstrom takes a look into the community that Siino’s Pizza, Pasta, and Grill has built in Lincoln,…

Step Back and Reflect
With the current state of the world, it is inevitable that anyone, especially a college student, will encounter stress. While stress may be positive…

Behind the Curtain
Sierra College will have a new theatre production under its belt this fall 2024 with a performance of Romeo and Juliet, playing now through…

Your Vote, Your Voice
In this 4:51 video, reporter Tyler Williams covers views on voting in the upcoming 2024 election and voting sites on campus and in our…
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A Deep Dive on the Sacramento Aquatic Center
At the edge of the lower American River, Lake Natomas is a staple in the community. The Sacramento State Aquatic Center is a great example of this. Community members come out to enjoy the lake with their families and athletes…

Seeds of Addiction, Roots of Recovery
“When you’re using, it’s kind of a lonely thing,” Holly began, her words trailing off into a mix of memories. On a breezy, sunlit day in March 2024, Holly sat outside the Sierra College Rocklin campus library on the veranda…

Law and Order or Gentle Touch? County Neighbors Fight Fentanyl
Over the past decade, the fentanyl epidemic has emerged as a critical public health crisis in the United States. According to USAFacts.org, overdoses from the drug have claimed over 330,000 lives since 2012, devastating communities large and small in the…

Harm Reduction: Support, not Stigma
As I opened the glovebox of my mom’s car looking for a tissue, out spilled a handful of individually packaged nasal sprays. Confused, I picked them up and analyzed the product. “Those are Narcan,” said my mom, a nurse at…

Life of an Upstanding Citizen
Vincent Pacheco is a visionary. Pure experimentation with mediums as light as tissue paper, he has developed his own niche. Moving into multimedia altered…

Making Community at the Fig Tree
To connect Sierra College students on the Rocklin campus with a local art spot in the community, Roundhouse reporters Miranda Ricks and Sophia Miller…