Life of an Upstanding Citizen
Vincent Pacheco is a visionary. Pure experimentation with mediums as light as tissue paper, he has developed his own niche. Moving into multimedia altered…
Making Community at the Fig Tree
To connect Sierra College students on the Rocklin campus with a local art spot in the community, Roundhouse reporters Miranda Ricks and Sophia Miller…
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If Everyone is a Nontraditional Student, then what is a Traditional Student?
A typical community college student is portrayed in society as a recent high school graduate with a full-time academic schedule and occasionally a part-time job, who is financially relying on their parents. Nevertheless, as the number of community college students…
How Sierra Baseball is Working to Avoid Injuries
For most people an injury is just an inconvenience. Something that slows them down for a few weeks, or maybe a couple months, though rarely does it end their career. Athletes, however, do not qualify as “most people.” Despite frequent…
No Quick Fix for Sierra’s Parking Problems
When a new semester of college begins students everywhere deal with a familiar problem: a lack of parking. When the Fall 2023 semester began at Sierra College’s Rocklin campus, students were faced with the same problem, but this time with…
Meditation for the Anxiety Generation
College students are often stressed and some even have anxiety and depression due to the pressures they face. According to Mental Health Therapist and Counselor…
Enjoying and Caring for Local Waters
For many Sacramento area residents, the ideal summer includes visiting local water spots, lying along the American River, soaking up the sun with a…
Coming Back Again: An Alumni Story
The constant bustle of a student seems never-ending. Graduation somehow seems so close, yet so far away. Completing courses from one school opens up…