Law and Order or Gentle Touch? County Neighbors Fight Fentanyl

Over the past decade, the fentanyl epidemic has emerged as a critical public health crisis in the United States. According to, overdoses from the drug have claimed over 330,000 lives since 2012, devastating communities large and small in the process. In Northern California, the powerful synthetic opioid’s impact has been acutely felt in Placer and Nevada counties. Despite their similarities, the county neighbors have adopted markedly different approaches to combat the life-or-death crisis.

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Under the Glove

Sierra College Sports baseball player, Bradley Morris prepares to swing his bat in a game, sunny day, other players on the field at Sierra College

The world of sports is full of heart-racing competition and moments, from the excitement that comes when a soccer player scores a goal to a double play on the baseball diamond. These are some of the things fans and athletes live for. They fuel the passion and enjoyment that comes from sports. Moments like these are captured in media highlights and can add to engagement, but there is a longer story that goes on outside these few minute highlights. 

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How Sierra Baseball is Working to Avoid Injuries

For most people an injury is just an inconvenience. Something that slows them down for a few weeks, or maybe a couple months, though rarely does it end their career. Athletes, however, do not qualify as “most people.”

Despite frequent conditioning and training, athletes are not immune to injury. Instead, it seems the harrowed “injury bug” haunts both professional and amateur athletes. “Injuries are starting to become a bigger part of the game,” Tyler Kersey, a Sierra College sophomore baseball player, said during an interview on March 18. He continued, “You see it a lot in pitchers, [especially] arm injuries.”

As it turns out, Tyler is right. Continue Reading

Meditation for the Anxiety Generation

College students are often stressed and some even have anxiety and depression due to the pressures they face. According to Mental Health Therapist and Counselor at Sierra College, Jamie Chin, “When we have anxiety and stress we have a lot of negative thinking going on.” And in describing Gen-Z specifically, she said, “I’m just calling you guys the anxiety generation.” So what can we do?  

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Enjoying and Caring for Local Waters

For many Sacramento area residents, the ideal summer includes visiting local water spots, lying along the American River, soaking up the sun with a good book, or cooking on a BBQ at Folsom Lake. While these are fun go-tos every summer in the heat, beach goers don’t always clean up as much as they should. If it weren’t for the staff at our parks and volunteers helping to pick up garbage each season, the shores would be littered, and wildlife would suffer. Continue Reading

Sheltering Refugees in Sacramento

The housing crisis affects tens of millions of people in the U.S., but few more than refugees. 

Struggling with rent is defined as spending more than 30% of your income on rent. That describes over half of the country according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Housing insecurity impacts lower-income people the most and is exacerbated by issues such as a lack of rental or credit history. Recently settled refugees tend to have low income and as newcomers, no in-country rental or credit history. 

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Sierra Grads Get Support with Transfer Trouble

After hundreds of lectures, awkward Zoom interactions, and more than a few 11:59 pm submission scrambles, many community college students will find themselves ready to transfer to a four-year college. Whether it’s to a UC, CSU, or another university, transferring is a necessary step for community college graduates who seek a bachelor’s degree.
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From Cleaning to Leading: The Life of an Undocumented Student

The things we take for granted. In our daily coexistence with different people, we take many things for granted. However, there are people in difficult circumstances who belong to minorities and even if they work hard and excel in school, they may not be able to go to college. Some might not even be able to attend community college, which is known to be the most financially accessible

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Everybody is Entitled to Equity

The concept of equity acknowledges that everybody has different circumstances and comes from different backgrounds, so different resources may be needed to reach an equal outcome. The title Everybody is Entitled to Equity is based on the team’s realization through their research that no matter what background, race, sexuality, legal status, one may be, everybody is deserving of the correct support to achieve success. When everyone has equitable access to resources, opportunities, and support, it fosters social cohesion, reduces inequality, and creates a more just and prosperous society for all.

Everybody is Entitled to Equity is a set of four stories produced by a team of journalist fellows in Spring, 2023. The team includes five student journalists, featured in the above image from left to right: Sierra Mickelson, Alexa Topacio, Luis-Antonio Carreon, Ryder Bouck, and Ethan Yamaguchi. They were all awarded through the California Humanities “Emerging Journalist” Fellowship with the Journalism program at Sierra College. The fellowship is only granted to four students, however, with assistance from the Sierra College Foundation, a fifth fellow was also awarded.

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Housing Student Success At Sierra College

Imagine your ideal college living space. What would that look like? How much would it cost? Should there be recreational facilities? Would the surrounding community matter? These are all questions to consider when deciding how you want to live while obtaining your collegiate degree. At Sierra College’s Rocklin Campus there are a variety of housing options you can choose from. Whether it be on-campus, in the dorms, or off-campus, in nearby apartment complexes such as Rocklin Manor or Sierra Gateway.  
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