How Sierra Baseball is Working to Avoid Injuries

For most people an injury is just an inconvenience. Something that slows them down for a few weeks, or maybe a couple months, though rarely does it end their career. Athletes, however, do not qualify as “most people.”

Despite frequent conditioning and training, athletes are not immune to injury. Instead, it seems the harrowed “injury bug” haunts both professional and amateur athletes. “Injuries are starting to become a bigger part of the game,” Tyler Kersey, a Sierra College sophomore baseball player, said during an interview on March 18. He continued, “You see it a lot in pitchers, [especially] arm injuries.”

As it turns out, Tyler is right. Continue Reading

Housing Student Success At Sierra College

Imagine your ideal college living space. What would that look like? How much would it cost? Should there be recreational facilities? Would the surrounding community matter? These are all questions to consider when deciding how you want to live while obtaining your collegiate degree. At Sierra College’s Rocklin Campus there are a variety of housing options you can choose from. Whether it be on-campus, in the dorms, or off-campus, in nearby apartment complexes such as Rocklin Manor or Sierra Gateway.  
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