Law and Order or Gentle Touch? County Neighbors Fight Fentanyl

Over the past decade, the fentanyl epidemic has emerged as a critical public health crisis in the United States. According to, overdoses from the drug have claimed over 330,000 lives since 2012, devastating communities large and small in the process. In Northern California, the powerful synthetic opioid’s impact has been acutely felt in Placer and Nevada counties. Despite their similarities, the county neighbors have adopted markedly different approaches to combat the life-or-death crisis.

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From Cleaning to Leading: The Life of an Undocumented Student

The things we take for granted. In our daily coexistence with different people, we take many things for granted. However, there are people in difficult circumstances who belong to minorities and even if they work hard and excel in school, they may not be able to go to college. Some might not even be able to attend community college, which is known to be the most financially accessible

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