Study Drugs: Be Informed and Consider the Alternatives

Student holding head behind open laptop

It’s no secret that the college experience has included experimentation with drugs. When I think of drug use on campus, I picture sitting in circles on a grassy hill, smoking joints, trading revolutionary ideas, and experimenting with psychedelics like LSD. Fast forward a few decades and what you get is a complex drug problem that exists in colleges around the country, and the new juggernaut is the prescription drug trade.

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The Millennial Mindset: Energy

Catch Montreal Bobbit’s latest episode of The Millennial Mindset, your podcast for information and inspiration. This week’s episode features a heartwarming interview from Bobbit’s beloved aunt Charlotte, talking about energy and how it has the power to change your life for the better. More episodes of the Millennial Mindset can be streamed on Apple Podcasts.